A national bookmaker’s chain has confused some residents in Highbridge this week when it shut its town centre shop, then opened a new one just five doors away the following day!
William Hill closed its Market Street shop next to the busy A38 roundabout (pictured above) and opened a new one (right) just 20 strides down the same street.
A spokesman explained the reason for the Christmas moves to Burnham-On-Sea.com: “Our lease on the first property is about to run out due to the re-development of the building, so we’ve acquired the next nearest shop.”
“We decided to complete the move during the Christmas period to minimize the impact on customers during the quieter holiday period.”
Burnham-On-Sea.com reported here in October how the prominent Canal House building – where William Hall was situated – is due to be transformed into 14 flats plus a new restaurant and leisure facilities.