HomeNews'We won’t be silenced,' say supporters of poll on local government shake-up

‘We won’t be silenced,’ say supporters of poll on local government shake-up


With just a few days left to vote, supporters of a local poll on options for change in local government in Somerset have gathered to encourage people to have their say.

The poll has been commissioned by the four district councils of Somerset, but the County Council, although invited, has not taken part.

The two options are:

  • Somerset County Council’sproposal – called One Somerset – would see the four district councils and the county councilreplaced witha single new unitary authority.So,replacing five existing councils with one new organisation. More here.
  • A proposal by the district councils – called Stronger Somerset – would replace Somerset’s existing five councils with two new unitary authorities in the east and west of the county.So,replacing five existing councils with two new organisations. More here.

Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts says: “We have put our faith in the voters of Somerset to make up their own minds by organising a local poll, independently run and verified. Others have taken every opportunity to discredit the poll, to stifle debate, to deflect challenge. They don’t want you to vote and don’t want to listen to you.”

Cllr Gill Slocombe adds: “This decision will make a difference to everyone. It will change who is accountable for collecting our bins, maintaining roads and pavements, parks, housing and loads of other local services. It will change how we are represented. We are the ones affected and we are the ones who should have a direct say in this decision. The people’s choice must be respected.”

And Cllr Adam Dance adds: “The County Council is acting like this decision is already done and dusted and they will be taking charge of everything. They are acting like our votes don’t matter. Well, we won’t be silenced, and we won’t be ignored. We will have our say and we will be heard in Westminster.”

The poll is being independently run and verified by Civica Electoral Services. All electors in the areas covered by the four district councils of Somerset and the county council have been sent voter packs. Votes must be received by this Friday, 4th June.

The poll’s fairness was questioned by a group of Somerset MPs earlier this month when it emerged that a link to a spoof website had been printed in the poll literature in place of a link to the official One Somerset (unitary) website, as we reported here.

Pictured: Cllr Adam Dance, Executive Member, South Somerset District Council Cllr Gill Slocombe, Deputy Leader, Sedgemoor District Council, Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts, Leader, Somerset West and Taunton Council Cllr Ros Wyke, Leader, Mendip District Council joined by campaigners in favour of a local poll on options for change in local government in Somerset



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