A village hall near Burnham-On-Sea has formally opened its £11,000 refurbishment this weekend.
A ceremony has been held at Watchfield Hall to officially unveil its new-look kitchen facilities, which have been funded by donations.
The group received a £4,500 grant from Viridor and further funding from the Parish Council and other groups.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was led by John Thatcher, Vice Chairman of the Parish Council, along with Keith Whitting, Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, Cllr Jane Moreton representing Viridor and Hall Treasurer Maureen Phillips, as pictured above.
Keith told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “We are very grateful to Viridor, without whose support the refurbishment would not have proceeded. Village halls like this are so important in these day and age when pubs, post offices and schools are being lost – it is brilliant that our hall committee strive to keep it going and having this superb new kitchen will make it easier to hold events here such as the recent harvest supper.”