Solar panels installed on the roof of Burnham’s Princess Theatre are on track to be fully paid off in six years’ time.
The Town Council spent around £25,000 on getting them installed in 2012 in a bid to cut energy bills at the theatre.
A council meeting this week heard that the panels have been generating thousands of pounds worth of energy.
“They produced £4,000 of revenue for us last year and are expected to generate £5,000 this year so we’re on target to break even within the original 7-8 year planned timeframe,” council clerk Denise Emery told
“We are erring on the side of caution though because we could have a poor summer of weather and the panels may not be as effective the older they get.”
She added: “We are pleased with them overall – it was a big investment for the council that is working. Councils are being encouraged across the UK to use ecological-friendly projects, meeting national policy.”
Pictured: Princess Theatre Chairman Peter Burridge-Clayton and former theatre manager Andy Pullyn with the new solar panels on the roof