Burnham-On-Sea Rotary Club has elected a lady President for the first time.
Having served as Vice-President and President Elect, Rotarian Jane Gibbs has this week taken the chair as President for the coming year.
Jane has been an active member for almost 10 years and takes over from President Bernard Raines who in his retiring speech said that the club had enjoyed a wonderful year with many successful events to benefit local and national charities.
Receiving her Presidential chain of office, Jane said: “I’m looking forward to a great year. We have a good number of events planned and will have lots of fun”.
Burnham Rotary Club meets on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm in Burnham & Berrow Golf Club, St Christopher’s Way. The Club welcomes new members – male and female.
Pictured: Rotary President Jane Gibbs and Immediate Past President Bernard Raines (pic Mike Lang)