HomeNewsWork on new public park in Burnham-On-Sea set to begin

Work on new public park in Burnham-On-Sea set to begin


Sedgemoor District Council has announced that work to create a new public park in Burnham-On-Sea will start later this month.

The work to transform the former landfill site into a new park called Rosewood Green will begin on August 9th.

It comes after the council decided last December to spend £2.4m to clear up the former waste landfill site in order to turn into a public space and up to 117 new homes, including 48 Bloor Homes already approved.

Under a so-called ‘Section 106 Agreement’ within the planning conditions for the Rosewood Farm housing development, the council is required to complete the laying out and landscaping of the former landfill site for use as a recreational open space.

The work will be split into two phases. The first will cover the restoration of the tip site.

“In order to protect local residents and any new houses, a hidden underground wall will be built around the former landfill site which will contain any potential leakages from the site. A sub-soil capping layer will be laid and compacted to make the site ready for a layer of top soil that will form the basis of the public park,” council spokeswoman Claire Faun told

The contractor has confirmed that they will be starting work on site from the 9th August 2010 with an estimated completion date of late December this year, subject to weather conditions. Operations on site will include the use of heavy plant for earthworks, the mechanical mixing of various materials to form the cut-off trench and lorries.

The spokeswoman added: “Due to the previous function of the site – limited household waste – it may be possible that a smell may arise because of the movement of earthworks but it is anticipated that this should not rise to unacceptable levels and will not be a long-term occurrence.”

In order to keep disturbance to a minimum the contractor will work Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.

The second phase will focus on the landscaping of the site. The laying out and landscaping of the site will include the provision of social and recreational facilities such as seating, play equipment, footpath/cycle way links and landscaping. These works will be completed in the spring and summer of 2011 with completion in the autumn and winter of 2011 to allow for optimum growing conditions.



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