Roses and sweet peas will be the focus for a two-day event being held at Brent Knoll’s Sanders Garden World this weekend.
The centre is holding a Rose and Sweet Pea Show organised by members of Burnham and Nailsea Horticultural Societies on both Saturday (June 9th) from 11.30am until 6pm and Sunday (June 10th) from 10am until 4.30pm.
Dolly El-Mahdi, Deputy Manager at the garden centre, told “We have hosted the Rose and Sweet Pea Show for the past nine years and it has always been a great success. Visitors will be able to see top quality roses and sweet peas, as well as other cut flowers and pot plants.”
Categories for entries include roses, sweet peas, cut flowers, pot plants and a kitchen garden section. There will also be classes for large flowered roses, climbing/rambling roses, miniature roses, vases and bowls of sweet peas and fuchsias, begonias and pelargonium pot plants. The organisers are not charging a fee for entries.
Pictured: Lakin Earl from Highbridge and his winning potted begonia with Dolly El-Mahdi, Deputy Manager at Sanders Garden World