HomeNewsOverflowing Burnham recycling banks 'caused by vehicle breakdowns'

Overflowing Burnham recycling banks ’caused by vehicle breakdowns’


Sedgemoor District Council’s Clean Surroundings Team and Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) have been working with contractors to clear overflowing recycling banks in Burnham and Highbridge and across the district.

A recycling bank backlog has developed in recent days after two of contractor DS Smith’s specialist collection vehicles suffered breakdowns at the same time.

Sedgemoor District Council staff have been clearing fly-tipped rubbish and SWP brought in kerbside collection contractor Kier to empty smaller bins.

DS Smith’s vehicles are now back on the road and have since cleared all the recycling banks, including those in the Burnham area.

An SWP spokesman told Burnham-On-Sea.com on Thursday (April 16th): “Despite the temporary problem, everyone has pulled together to sort it out so residents can use the recycling banks as usual. We are talking to DS Smith about how we can avoid any future difficulties.”

“Residents finding recycling banks full should not fly-tip recyclables or rubbish around them but either store materials, add them to their kerbside collections, or take them to a recycling centre such as the one in Highbridge.”

A dozen recycling banks in Sedgemoor car parks take a variety of recycled materials, from cans, card and paper to both glass and plastic bottles, with five also taking beverage cartons.



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