HomeNews'Considerable work still to do on pylons plan' say six local councils

‘Considerable work still to do on pylons plan’ say six local councils


‘Considerable work is still to be done’ is the joint message from all six local authorities affected by National Grid’s proposals for a high voltage connection between the proposed new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point near Burnham-On-Sea and Avonmouth.

National Grid’s latest consultation has ended on the project, which, if it proceeds, could see pylons between 35 and 50 metres tall along parts of route – including the villages of Mark and Rooksbridge and Biddisham near Burnham.

Sedgemoor District, Bristol City, North Somerset, Somerset County, South Gloucestershire and West Somerset Councils together have taken legal and technical advice to assess the implications of National Grid’s proposals on a range of topics such as landscape, ecology, local economy, transport and tourism.

Responding to the consultation, the Councils have this week welcomed the progress that has been made and the changes to the proposals following feedback from the communities affected.

They say, however, that there is a substantial amount of information, including mitigation proposals and an understanding of the impacts associated with the new pylon design, the ‘T-pylon’, that is still required.

“The Councils acknowledge the need to deliver the project quickly in response to the urgent need at a national level, but it is essential that National Grid provides all the relevant information so that the Councils and the affected communities can understand the impacts of the development,” says a joint statement issued this week.

David Hall, Deputy Leader of Somerset County Council, added: “Progress has been made since we took part in the last round of consultation. National Grid still has some way to go, however, in order to ensure that any potential impact on the people and landscape of the County is minimised and mitigated as far as possible.”

“We will continue to work closely with National Grid and the Somerset councils and scrutinise National Grid’s proposals to ensure that we do what we can to help with the UK’s energy needs. However, these proposals must be right for the residents and the environment of the County.”

National Grid has proposed a scheme for a 400,000 volt power connection between Hinkley Point and Avonmouth, running through the Burnham area. Despite calls for the line to be buried underground, National Grid announced that the 37-mile power line would run overground in the Burnham area last November, as we reported here.



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