HomeNewsPublic toilets at Burnham's Crosses Penn, next to Manor Gardens, to open...

Public toilets at Burnham’s Crosses Penn, next to Manor Gardens, to open year-round


Public toilets at Burnham-On-Sea’s Crosses Penn, next to the Manor Gardens, are set to open all year-round following a decision by Town Councillors.

The facilities are currently only open for six months a year, but several local residents have approached town councillors to request increased opening of the toilets.

Cllr Phil Harvey said during the latest council meeting: “A number of members of the public say they wish the toilets would be open for the whole year. I think increased usage is likely because of the new play area, increased numbers of people taking recreational exercise during the pandemic, and the changing climate.”

Public toilets at Crosses Penn in Burnham-On-Sea

“Sedgemoor District Council say they would pay half of the costs of opening them, as they currently do with the ones in the Oxford Street car park and on The Esplanade. They are happy to do that here.”

Cllr Peter Clayton gave his backing to the proposal: “I have also had representations about this and fully support the proposal on the basis that they are kept in good order. I second that proposal.”

Cllr Andy Brewer added: “I fully support this. Access to public toilets is very significant in this day and age. When I do cycle rides one issue is always finding public toilets. In a civilised society I think it’s important and something we should be doing. It’s something we should spend money on.”

Public toilets at Crosses Penn in Burnham-On-Sea

Cllr Bill Hancock raised concerns about vandalism if the toilets are open late at night, but it was noted that the facilities would only open in daytime hours.

It was confirmed that Sedgemoor District Council has agreed to charge the Town Council 50% of the costs to open the toilets.

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to fund the year-round opening of the toilets at Crosses Penn at a cost of £5,256.19. The funds will come from the earmarked reserves.




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