Hundreds of people attended Burnham-On-Sea’s Remembrance Day ceremony on Sunday (November 12th) to honour those who have died in conflicts.

Dignitaries and veterans were joined in a parade through Burnham town centre by members of the armed forces, emergency services, local community groups, cadets, school pupils and residents.

Members of Burnham Marching Brass Band led the parade with Mayor Cllr Lesley Millard and local dignitaries followed by hundreds of people, who marched from Burnham’s Pier Street car park along the High Street, past the Princess Theatre and to the War Memorial in Love Lane.

A fly-past by Middlezoy Flying Group also took place featuring a WW2 Mk1 Auster and a replica Hawker Fury fighter of the 1930s.

John Crosby, Chairman Burnham’s branch of the British Legion, opened the ceremony and prayers were led by Rev Richard Sigrist. Sunday’s remembrance ceremony was watched by a record turnout of residents besides the War Memorial.

Two minutes’ silence was held at exactly 11am followed by the playing of the Last Post by Cadet Harry Cayford.

Wreaths were laid in remembrance by representatives of the groups. Pupils from Highbridge’s King Alfred School Academy also read aloud the names of all the Burnham soldiers who fell in the two World Wars.

Mayor Cllr Lesley Millard said afterwards: “The town did itself proud – it was a really good turnout and there was a great sense of community in coming together. Today we showed our respect for all our service personnel, both at home and around the world. We value their role in keeping the peace in difficult times.”

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