The Burnham and Highbridge area Neighbourhood Planning group are seeking comments on their draft plan for Burnham Town Centre.
Phil Harvey, who has led the group, said this week: “We’ve produced some draft ideas which we launched at the Annual Town meeting back in April and are now seeking people’s views on them. We’ve already had some initial feedback via our Facebook page but are now widening our search.”
By clicking on this link you’ll be taken straight to the online survey and can fill it in.
Phil added: “Later on, we’ll be issuing a paper version to each household in the area but it helps our data entering and analysis if people who can fill it in on-line do so.”
“Once we’ve got the feedback we’ll then review what we have written and make amendments if need be.”
The Neighbourhood Planning group presently has two topic groups set up – one on housing which is just getting underway, and a more established one on Highbridge.
Anyone interested in participating can contact Phil on and he’ll put them in touch with the appropriate Chairmen.
Pictured: Phil Harvey, Chair of the Neighbourhood Planning group