HomeNewsLocal environmental group airs concerns over "worsening climate situation"

Local environmental group airs concerns over “worsening climate situation”


Members of a local environmental group have this week written to Burnham-On-Sea’s MP to air their concerns over reports of a “worsening climate situation” and “a complete lack of action to counteract the threat.”

Members of Green Wedmore have written to Burnham MP James Heappey, Cllr David Huxtable, Cllr Polly Costello, PC Chair Neil Ellis, and Bob Sellwood, who is Wedmore Neighbourhood Plan Chairman.

The letter states: “We the undersigned of Green Wedmore are deeply shocked not only by the recent flurry of academic reports showing the worsening climate situation, but also by the almost complete lack of action to counteract the threat we face, at every level of the political system.”

“The Chancellor of the Exchequer has failed to even mention Climate Change once in the three budgets he has delivered, which is alarming.”

“Last month’s IPCC report outlined that to keep global temperatures at or below the relatively ‘safe’ level of 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels will require a global cut in CO2emissions of 45% by 2030 (using a 2010 baseline), just 12 years from now. This goes much further than the UK’s current plans under the Climate Change Act.”

“Against a background of the threat of rising sea levels, the Government’s own body, the Committee on Climate Change recently said that coastal management plans are not fit for purpose, properly costed or adequately communicated to people who live on or near the coast.”

“This week we hear that the oceans have been absorbing far more heat than previously thought, raising the likelihood of greater sea level increases and fish stock decline. As a coastal County, Somerset’s people need to understand what they can and should do to alleviate the risks to themselves and their properties.”

“With the above threats in mind, we would ask you to respond to the following questions:

“Is it wise to build new houses with no renewable energy generation, water saving, environmental net gain aspects and electric vehicle charging points as standard, saving the environment and people’s pockets?”

“Also should Somerset continue to downscale public transport and contribute little to cycle networks?”

“Is it wise to have no national policy to retrofit old housing stock to make them insulated, warm and efficient?”

“Also, is it wise to explore for more fossil fuel sources (with the threat of fracking in Somerset in mind) when experts estimate we can only afford to burn approx. 10% of existing fossil fuel reserves?”

“Should financial incentives be reduced for electric vehicles, solar installations and make onshore wind virtually a planning impossibility whilst continuing to give huge tax incentives to the oil and gas industry?”

“Is it wise to cut local government funding, leaving a leadership vacuum on the issues locally and just at the moment when local action on Climate Change is needed?”

“Clearly we need to decarbonise our lifestyles, our houses, our businesses and our economy as rapidly as we can. Green Wedmore with its ‘Zero Carbon Wedmore’ project is doing all it can, and we would be very interested in working with you, at every level of local and national government, to contribute towards emergency action at a local level.”

“Green Wedmore sees a positive future for a Zero Carbon village and society, one where communities are stronger, control their own energy supply, spend and invest locally, commute less, eat healthily and care more for the natural world with all the benefits to our health and wellbeing, pollinators and farmers.”

“But the threats we face and the government inaction we see is stark. We look forward to hearing how we can engage with you. There has been talk of Citizen Assemblies where the public can engage with local government, infrastructure bodies and experts to plan the needed decarbonisation, and we would support this.”



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