HomeNewsStricter licensing conditions to be placed on Brean pub

Stricter licensing conditions to be placed on Brean pub


Stricter licensing conditions are to be placed on this Brean pub by Sedgemoor District Council following a number of concerns raised by local police.

It comes after Burnham-On-Sea police took the premises license of Krackers Bar to a formal review by the district council’s licensing panel.

The panel met this week and supported the police’s request of stricter licence conditions with improved CCTV coverage and increased doorstaff. See the full conditions at the bottom of this page.

The Neighbourhood Beat Manager for Brean, PC Esther Robinson gave evidence of several incidents at the premises where they had been breaches of conditions and she also gave the views of local residents.

It follows complaints regarding alleged underage drinking, anti-social behaviour by people leaving the premises and people fighting.

PC Robinson told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “I am trying to reduce anti-social behaviour and violence in Brean and Berrow and have responded to the request from the local community to address these issues in South Road. I will be working closely with local residents, businesses, both parish councils, and our partner agencies to make the area a safer place.”

The new conditions will apply immediately and any breaches are likely to result in prosecution with a threat of further review or even revocation of the licence.

The review follows recent licensing operations in Burnham, Brean and Highbridge in partnership with the Security Industry Agency (SIA) and Somerset County Council’s Trading Standards Officers, which revealed that licensing offences were being committed. Action has been taken against four licensed premises and further operations are already planned.

Sgt Ian Kennett, pictured, told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “At the last PACT meeting, the community in Burnham-On-Sea voted that licensing in the town was their most important issue. I have always tried to work closely with licensees and would expect them to manage their premises responsibly so that the public can be confident that it is safe to visit our area.”

“There is an effective Pubwatch and radiolink scheme running in this area where people who do not behave in licensed premises can be banned from all participating venues. Staff can also use their radios to talk to the police and Sedgemoor District Council CCTV staff to prevent problems getting out of hand.”

“I see this as an essential means of reducing violence and disorder. The chair of the Pubwatch and I both find it disappointing that not all licensees participate fully and support the scheme, and that is something I intend to address.”

“I am looking to raise standards with the support of the licensing trade rather than having to enforce the law. However, when it is clear that there is not co-operation I have a duty to act.”

The AGM of the local pubwatch group is being held at 3pm on Tuesday 16th March, when there will also be speakers from the SIA and Trading Standards. Representatives from all members are expected to attend and any licensees that are not members and would like to join are asked to contact Sergeant Kennett for further information.


CCTV will be installed, maintained and used to police requirements and with reference to the Home Office guidance UK Police Requirements for Digital CCTV Systems and the CCTV Guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office.
It will record at all times the premises are open for licensable activities and for 30 minutes after the last customer has vacated the premises.
Recordings will be retained for 31 days (or for a shorter period if agreed by the police in writing) and will be made available on request to a police officer or an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority.
If the CCTV is for any reason inoperative or faulty steps will be taken within 24 hrs to repair or replace the equipment.

Door Staff:

Sufficient SIA registered door staff will be employed on those days when it is intend they will be, or when the premises are, open for licensable activities after midnight.
They will also be employed at other times when the DPS or person in management control of the premises at the time, following a risk assessment or advice from the police, considers it to be necessary.
A minimum of 2 door staff will be employed and thereafter at a minimum ratio of 1 per 75 customers.
Any person in who is at the same time in management control of the premises will not be included as a member of the door staff for the purposes of the numbers required.
The door staff will be in place from no later than 21.00hrs onwards and until the premises are closed and customers have dispersed and at any time that customers are queuing to gain entry.
A record will be kept of door staff employed, their name, SIA registration badge number and the hours of duty.
A record will be kept of all incidents on the premises requiring intervention or action by the door staff.
They will wear clothing which readily identifies them as door staff / security, which is clearly visible on CCTV and has some means of clearly and securely displaying their SIA registration badge.


All glasses used on the premises will be made of toughened glass, plastic or a similar material.
No bottles, unless made of plastic or a similar material, will be permitted in the outside areas.
No customers will be permitted to leave the premises with open containers of alcohol except to use an area within the curtilage of the premises or an authorised pavement café area.

Outside areas:

A policy acceptable to the police and Licensing Authority will be put in place to manage customers using any outside areas.

Drugs, crime and searches:

A drugs and crime reduction policy acceptable to the police and Licensing Authority will be put in place.
This will include the search of customers by consent for drugs or weapons as a condition of their entry and as a condition to remain on the premises. Searches will take place on a random basis or when it is suspected that the customer may be in possession of drugs or weapons.
A record will be made of the number of searches undertaken and items seized.
Notices will be displayed to clearly inform customers of this policy.
Full cooperation will be given to any drugs and crime initiatives which may be, from time to time, undertaken by the police or Local Authority.

Young Persons:

Persons who appear to be under 21 years of age will be required to produce photographic identification. Identification will be required at the point of entry to the premise when door staff are employed and at the bar servery when making a purchase of alcohol.

Forms of identification permitted will be a photo driving licence, a current passport or a nationally accepted form of identification with PASS accreditation.
A record will be kept of refusals.

Entry restrictions:

No new entry will be permitted to the premises after midnight.
Persons permitted to leave the premises after midnight to smoke or for other reasonable purposes will remain within a cordoned off area of the curtilage of the premises and at all times will be under the observation of a member of staff.

Pubwatch or similar scheme:

The premises will be participating members of Pubwatch or similar scheme where it exists to include the use of the radio system where one is used.

Staff Training:

All staff will be given adequate training to ensure that they fully understand their responsibilities under the Licensing Act 2003 while employed on the premises. Regular briefings will be held to ensure staff awareness is maintained. A record will be kept of the date, time and persons present at these briefings.


All records maintained under these conditions will be retained for a minimum of12 months and they will be made available on request to a police officer or an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority.



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