HomeNewsPupils at Highbridge’s King Alfred School Academy launch pop-up prom shop

Pupils at Highbridge’s King Alfred School Academy launch pop-up prom shop


King Alfred School Academy in Highbridge opened its doors to it first ‘pop-up prom shop’ this week and the organisers were delighted with the response and feedback.

Ella Dollery and Lilly Keeley Watts, the sixth formers behind the idea, were on hand to help “customers” choose dresses.

King Alfred School Pre-Loved Prom

The idea is that the dresses or suits can be rented out to current students or anyone connected with the school for events, and that any money made goes to a charity of the sixth form’s choosing.

Student Welfare Manager Suzanne Lawrence said: “Lilly and Ella got the idea from having experienced the cost of a Prom themselves and in addition there has been a lot in the news about the cost to the environment of clothes being worn once then discarded.”

King Alfred School Pre-Loved Prom

“Ella was delighted to see her dress would be going to prom again when it was quickly snapped up by a customer.”

Ella said: “Lilly and I both think that the prom shop was successful and it definitely brought in more people than we thought. Since the media has been more involved it has been lovely to see so many people willing to donate dresses for the benefit of others.”

“We would like to continue receiving prom dresses and would like to carry on this idea through years to come. Our aim is to do pop-up shops at other schools and maybe even in local village halls so that it is open to all people whatever the event they need a dress for is.”

The initiative is going to be an ongoing enterprise and anyone who has gowns/suits/bags to donate should contact The King Alfred School Academy to find out more on 01278 784881 or by emailing preloved@tkasa.org.uk.

King Alfred School Pre-Loved Prom

King Alfred School Pre-Loved Prom



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