HomeNewsHighbridge's King Alfred School celebrates GCSE exam success

Highbridge’s King Alfred School celebrates GCSE exam success


Students at King Alfred School have this week been celebrating success as they received the results of November’s GCSE exams in English and Maths.

All Year 11 students took exams in November and the results show they are on track for record GCSE results this summer.

69% of students achieved a GCSE grade at C or above in Maths, 64% achieved a GCSE C grade or above in English, with 56% of students achieving C grades in both English and Maths.

A delighted Head of Year 11 Bob Peek told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “This is testament to the hard work that has gone in already by the students and their teachers and with continued hard work the year group will produce fantastic results in the summer.”

Year 11 students at King Alfred School are the first year group to have undertaken a three year Key Stage 4 programme, so they have studied their GCSE courses (Level 2) for three years rather than the traditional two years.

Headteacher Andy Owen added: “We are very excited by their achievements to date which vindicates the move to a three-year Key Stage 4. We are already on course to meet our challenging targets for the summer, but there is still a tremendous amount of hard work ahead.”

On the first publishing of the English Baccalaureate figures by the government, Mr
Owen added: “It is not uncommon for politicians to change the measures against
which schools’ performance are judged for their own political ends. It is important, therefore, that we are consistent as a school and continue to do what is best for our students.”

“We are committed to opening doors for our young people so that they can progress onto the next steps of their education/career whether that is A levels, Level 3 vocational courses, apprenticeships or employment with training. Our curriculum is designed to provide our students with a range of subjects that will engage and motivate them and to provide them with the knowledge, skills and qualifications that will give them the best chance of success in adult life in the 21st century.”

“King Alfred’s is a successful and happy school and we are justifiably proud of the achievements of our students.”

Last week, Burnham-On-Sea.com reported on that the school had seen a slight 2% fall in its GCSE performance over the past year, according to the government’s performance league figures



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