HomeNewsFundraiser announced as first phase of hospital project nears completion

Fundraiser announced as first phase of hospital project nears completion


The Mayor of Burnham and Highbridge, Derek Cooper, is sponsoring a concert in aid of The Friends of Burnham Hospital to help boost its funds during the ongoing redevelopment project.

The event will take place at The Princess on Friday 16th October and will feature the King Alfred Concert Band and The Coastline Singers. Tickets, costing £6 are on sale from GC Music, FF and F Carpets and David Bull Optometrists, or by calling 01278 789773, 785727 or 783121.

Included in the entrance fee is a glass of wine and ‘substantial’ nibbles. Bottles of wine will be available for sale during the evening and a tombola will also be held. The Mayor recently chose the Friends as his chosen charity during his year of office.

“Burnham Hospital is at present undergoing a £740,000 major refurbishment, £300,000 of which has been provided by the Hospital Friends,” Tony Deahl, Chairman of the Friends group, told Burnham-On-Sea.com.

“The first phase of this project, the Outpatients Department and Minor Injuries Clinic, will be brought into use in the next few weeks and patients and staff who have been inconvenienced by ongoing work over recent months should notice a great improvement in facilities.”

“The next phase involving moving the hospital kitchens will be underway shortly. As the Friends of the Hospital are spending most of their money on this refurbishment, the concert is the first of a series of fundraising events designed to increase our funds.”

In February, a Mayor’s Quiz Evening will also be held in Highbridge Community Hall to raise more funds.



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