HomeNewsNew trading pitch for street seller welcomed in Burnham town centre

New trading pitch for street seller welcomed in Burnham town centre


A fruit and veg seller could soon return to Burnham-On-Sea High Street for the first time in four years under proposals to create a new street trading pitch in the town centre.

Burnham’s Town Centre Manager Bev Milner Simonds, right, is behind the plans.

The large pavement ‘apron’ in the High Street outside Thomson travel agents and opposite the junction with South Street has been earmarked for the pitch.

Consultation with nearby traders, local authorities and Burnham’s Chamber of Trade has taken place in recent weeks, with mostly favourable feedback.

Bev told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “The town centre shopping scene continues to change and whilst we have a low vacancy rate and units turn over very quickly, we have not seen a replacement for the Sanders fruit and vegetable shop.”

The High Street’s Sanders greengrocer closed down in 2011 to make way for Costa Coffee, leaving no such independent trader.

But now the raised section of the street outside Thomsons, pictured, could see a greengrocer returning this year.

The Town Council is set to work with Sedgemoor’s Licensing Team and Somerset Highways to designate the area as an occasional trading pitch – specifically excluding Tuesdays to allow for refuse collection trucks to have enough space to turn there coming out of South Street.

Bev added: “I have had discussions with the Licensing team and they have advised that this item could be agreed by asking the authority to consider establishing a permanent pitch for street trading consents in Burnham.”

“If it was agreed, applications could then be accepted – and this would be dealt with by Licensing and the applicant would be expected to demonstrate any support at a hearing.”

“It’s not a foregone conclusion but maybe this way we can also stop some illegal parking in this area of the High Street, which annoys pedestrians and shop owners, while adding to the mix of traders on the High Street.”



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