A former Burnham-On-Sea pub is attracting a ‘steady flow of interest’ from potential new landlords says an estate agent with hopes that it will re-open again soon.
The Old Pier Tavern shut down last August, a year after it re-opened as a music venue in July 2023.
It is now on the market for rent and is being offered by A&F Estate Agents at £25,000 per year with a £10,000 ingoing premium.
An A&F spokesperson says: “Whether you’re looking to restore it to its former glory or introduce a fresh concept, this property presents an exciting opportunity for those with a vision for the hospitality sector.”
“The Old Pier Tavern is a former public house and entertainment venue offering a fantastic opportunity.”
“The property is well-suited for a variety of uses, from a revitalized pub or bar to a live music venue or entertainment hub.”