Sedgemoor District Council hopes to stamp out flyposting in the Burnham-On-Sea area by adopting a new ‘zero tolerance’ policy and hefty fines.
Following numerous complaints, Sedgemoor says it is to begin issuing fines of up to £2,500 to those that flout its rules.
Sedgemoor’s Enforcement Officer, Nick Garnett, told “We will be particularly vigilant against posters or notices put on street furniture.”
“In future, fixed penalty notices will be issued to poeple responsible for the placement of posters and, in some cases, the promoters of events.”
“One notice at a cost of £75 will be issued for every item, so if ten posters are put up and the person culpable is identified, then this will mean ten penalty notices will be issued, equating to the total sum of a £750 fine.”
Pictured is one of several advertising signs besides roads in the Burnham and Highbridge area which the district council wants to get removed