A telescope enthusiast in Burnham-On-Sea has photographed this Peregrine Falcon on Stert Island this week.
Greg Dye-Hodge Beardsley snapped the bird on Thursday, as pictured, after spotting it on a pile of drift wood behind an old buoy on the island.
Greg told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “I believe him to be an immature bird of some 18 inches in height. He is a regular visitor in the mornings from about 8am onwards and sits on the wood pile warming up in preparation for huntings as he may need to fly in excess of 80mph to catch his food.”
“Occasionally, he is accompanied by a smaller falcon – perhaps his parent or even his mate. I have seen him for many mornings when it is warm and sunny. This is a wonderful opportunity to see this rare bird from the sea wall in front of the Bay Cafe. A good pair of binoculars or better still a telescope is needed.”
“If you wish to see this beautiful bird do not leave it too long as I have previously not seen him on the island much beyond late October. I am happy to show this bird through my telescope to all who might like to see it and shall probably be on the front with my telescope this coming Saturday morning.”
In 2010, Greg spotted a rarely-seen seal on the island, as we reported here.