Community-spirited teenager Sam Ashton is organising a quiz night to raise funds for the group that runs Burnham-On-Sea’s tourist information centre.
Sam, 16, is the youngest volunteer in the seafront tourism office and wants to raise funds to ensure it continues to stay open.
He’s organising a quiz evening at Burnham’s Coffee Corner cafe in Abingdon Street on Wednesday October 30th at 7.30pm in aid of BIARS, Burnham Information and Rescue Support, which runs the centre.
Sam has written the quiz, designed the tickets and posters, and has collaborated with Coffee Corner owner Zena to open up specially, who has given her full support.
“The tourist centre is a great facility and it deserves all the support it can get,” said Sam.
“That’s why I’m organising this event and other quiz nights to help BIARS.”
Tickets cost £2.50 each with a maximum of six people per team. Top prize will be £25 with a runners-up prize from Gardiner Whites. Tickets are available at the tourist centre or from 07450 628159.
Pictured: BIARS’ Sam Ashton, Gail Cruickshank and Mary Summers with Coffee Corner’s Zrena Driver this weekÂ