“The old shower area consisted of six showers, which had to be shared by the home and away teams in one communal room. Some of the showers did not work and the water was seaping through the walls and floor.”
“Two separate shower areas have now been created for the home and away sides, with new showers, fully tiled walls and a purpose laid floor. A new shower area has also been provided for the referees.”
“The project also involved some major structural work and the replacement of the old power supply, lighting, wiring and ceilings.”
As well as the 300 players, the facilities are used by parents and spectators, plus players and officials of visiting clubs.
Paul added: “Burnham United are delighted with the outcome of the project and can now offer their players and spectators facilities that are suitable for the 21st century.”
He thanked the council members for their financial support, without which the project would not have been possible.
Pictured: Junior Chairman Paul Sealey, Senior Chairman Spencer Dibble, SDC Parks and Open Spaces Project Officer Marina Turner, SDC Chairman Councillor Gill Slocombe and husband Pete Slocombe (Pic: Mike Lang)