Plans to introduce a new ‘trim trail’ on Burnham-On-Sea seafront have moved a step closer this week with a funding boost.
Sedgemoor District Council has approved an application for £7,958.63 of funding from an RLT3 grant funding pot from housing developer contributions.
The proposed fitness trail on Burnham’s South Esplanade seafront will consist of a course with outdoor exercise equipment to promote good health.
Tatiana Cant, Burnham and Highbridge Town Council Clerk, pictured, told “The trim trail forms part of the Burnham Evolution Project that will see enhancements to the seafront and the refurbishment of the Princess Theatre.”

“Funding applications have also been submitted for other grants and the Town Council is waiting to hear the outcome of these requests.”
She added: “The trim trail will be installed along the South Esplanade, parallel to the sea wall.”
“The trail will help make better use of existing space and encourage active play for all ages.”
“The project will encourage residents and visitors to become more active and provide additional activities in the area.”
It is proposed that the new trim trail will be installed during 2019.