HomeNewsBurnham-On-Sea floral displays to be scaled back due to Somerset Council funding...

Burnham-On-Sea floral displays to be scaled back due to Somerset Council funding cuts


Burnham-On-Sea and Highbridge public floral displays are set to be scaled back this summer after Somerset Council said it will not be able to provide funding for them, it has emerged this week.

Somerset Council is reomving its provision due to funding cutbacks, Burnham and Highbridge town councillors heard during a meeting of the Town Council’s Finance Committee this week.

Seafront flower beds will planted by volunteers from Burnham Growing Group – and also hanging baskets will be provided by the Town Council but many other floral displays will be scaled back such as in the Manor Gardens and road verges.

Cllr Ganesh Gudka, Chair of the Town Council committee, said: “We have been left in the lurch in terms of getting something done.”

“Somerset Council told us at the last minute that the provision of the hanging baskets and the watering – which we thought was going to be provided – is no longer going to get done.”

“There has therefore been lots of late work carried out on looking for quotes and firms able to do the work. What we orginally thought we could do was inordinately expensive – it would cost over £12,000.”

“So a small group of us took the view that in order to find the right balance, we gave the go ahead for just the hanging baskets and the watering of those, but we have let the tower displays go.”

A report to town councillors confirmed: “Somerset Council have confirmed they will not be undertaking any further planting or maintenance of any floral displays this year.”

“The Town Council have already agreed to fund the planting of the seven flowerbeds on the Esplanade, which will be maintained by the Growing Group. The Growing Group are unable to water flowerbeds as they do not have the equipment.”

“The Town Council has now been advised that Somerset Council are unable to provide the service for planting, installing and watering the hanging baskets and towers, even if the Town Council paid for this service, due to the nurseries being closed and staff shortages.”

“An order has been placed with a nursery for 34 hanging baskets, which will be delivered in early June. The Town Rangers will be installing the baskets, but the Council does not have the staff availability or equipment for watering any floral displays.”

“Due to the deadline for placing the order for the flowers being the 15th April, the Town Clerk in consultation with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chair of the Finance Committee, made the decision not to place an order for the towers due to the cost being £12,285 (planting, installation and watering), which significantly exceeds the allocated budget.”

“Going forward, we would like to look into the option of sponsorship of the hanging

Cllr Sharon Perry added: “We are doing what we can but there are a limited number of volunteers in the Growing Group. The task for this council in the coming year is looking at all the public spaces and makoing a decision about how they want it to look. We are doing what we can under the circumstances.”

Cllr Gudka added: “Resources are limited in terms of money for contractors and volunteer resources, so we are spread thin.”

Cllr Mike Facey expressed dismay at the situation and asked whether Burnham and Highbridge are singled out, but Cllr Gudka responded that the issue is countywide.

The Council’s budget for floral displays for this year is £4,400. The cost for the purchase of the hanging baskets and watering during June and September is £1,880.

The quotation for watering the flowerbeds for the summer season is £2,820. A contingency of £700 is required if additional watering (including hanging baskets) if required.

Councillors agreed to allocate the remaining floral displays budget for the watering of the Esplanade flowerbeds and the Committee to agre to exceed the budget by up to £1,000.

Cllr Gudka added that the Town Council would further explore seeking sponsorship of floral displays and its efforts to find more volunteers.



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