HomeNewsPlans to replace garages with new home in Burnham win approval despite...

Plans to replace garages with new home in Burnham win approval despite concerns


Plans to replace a block of five garages to make way for a new house in Burnham-On-Sea have been given final approval by Somerset Council.

The developer sought permission to replace the garages on the corner of Dunstan Road and Oxford Street with a three-bedroom property.

The planning application was last week supported by Burnham-On-Sea and Highbridge town councillors and has now been given the final approval by Somerset Council with four conditions below despite concerns from some residents.

The applicant said the garages are “in a poor visual condition” and contrary to the overall street appearance of neighbouring properties.

Somerset Council received four letters of support from residents on the basis of the plans delivering visual improvements and boosting the amount of local housing.

However, the authorty also received seven objections that referenced the constrained parking situation in the area and the site’s nearness to a busy road junction.

One resident in Victoria Street wrote in their objection: “There are a number of houses and flats that struggle to find parking during the day due to town centre parking restrictions. We are often forced to park up to half a mile away… I object to the loss of town centre parking until a viable town centre parking scheme for town residents is in place.”

The developer says in their application that two parking spaces will be introduced next to the new property and adds that the development shall “reduce the number of vehicle movements and demand for parking”. They add that Burnham’s Oxford Street public car park is situated nearby.

The planning application stated: “The proposal seeks planning permission for the demolition of the existing garage block and development of one dwelling house. The proposed development will create a three-bedroom dwelling with associated kitchen, dining and living spaces. All bedrooms are provided at first floor.”

“The site subject of the application forms a brownfield site with a small number of privately owned garages that have no public access. The site is in poor visual condition and offers an excellent opportunity to a new dwelling within settlement limits.”

“Development of new homes in this location will afford future residents easy access to employment opportunities, education, health and social care facilities. The site is within easy walking distance of retail, employment, education and health services as well as sustainable transport options.”

Somerset Council has appoved the application with four conditions:

  • The development shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission in accordance with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990.
  • The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed in  the application’s schedule A for the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.
  • No windows/dormer windows other than those expressly authorised by this permission shall be constructed in the interests of residential amenity.
  • The areas allocated for parking on the submitted plan shall be kept clear of obstruction and shall only be used for the purposes of parking and turning in connection with the development in the interests of highway safety.



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