HomeNewsNew project launches to create butterfly art display in town church

New project launches to create butterfly art display in town church


A Burnham-On-Sea artist has launched a new community art project encouraging residents to transform sheets of old music paper into colourful butterfly origami designs that will be suspended in the ceiling of a local church.

Sami Green, a Burnham based artist, is working with St John’s Church in Highbridge to create the eye-catching installation in the church this Easter.

“Sending old music paper, recently discovered in the church, out into the local community, we hope to inspire a post-Covid reconnection that celebrates the awesomeness of potential creativity and create a spectacle that brings people together for Easter,” she says.

“The finished artwork will be suspended in the ceiling of St John’s Church to be lit by coloured lights and glass.”

St John's Church, Highbride

“Each origami piece becomes a message of positive intention from all those that choose to contribute.”

She adds: “The symbolic and inspiring nature of the butterfly has leant itself to our project. The natural transformation from caterpillar to butterfly reminds us too of the transformation from death to life that lies at the heart of the Easter story.”

“You are going to help create a flutter from music paper. We are recycling vintage sheet paper discovered at St John’s Church in Highbridge, full of the history of the local area and people that have lived here.”

“Over the past two years our community has been dispersed. Art has a way of bringing people back together and we want to celebrate the awesomeness of your potential creativity and make a spectacle that brings people back together for Easter.”

Butterfly Origami craft packs will be available for collection from 3rd March to 3rd April: St John’s Church in Highbridge: Thursday and Sunday 10 – 2; St Andrew’s Church in Burnham: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10.30 – 12; Burnham Radio, daily 7-7.

Previously, in January 2018 Sami designed and hung ‘Flutter’, a large origami mobile from the roof of a stunning Geodome for a small event.

Sami is revisiting ‘Flutter’ in her collaboration with St John’s Church in Highbridge.

For more, see https://samigreencreative.weebly.com/sami-green-events.html




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