Somerset Wildlife Trust is holding two events in Burnham-On-Sea and Highbridge during May to unveil a new Climate Adaptation Plan for the towns.
Two public consultation sessions are being held at Burnham and Highbridge’s Repair Cafés during May.
A spokesperson says: “We’ll be sharing the draft Climate Adaptation Plan, and we want to get residents to share their views and priorities for how Burnham and Highbridge should adapt to climate change. Help us shape a plan for Burnham-On-Sea and Highbridge.”
“There will be opportunities for residents to provide feedback and suggest other actions to be included, ensuring the plan is shaped by local voices and knowledge.”
The events will be held in Burnham-On-Sea on Thursday 2nd May from 10am-1pm at Burnham Methodist Church.
A second event will be held in Highbridge on Saturday 18th May from 10am-1pm at the Purplespoon Cafe in Highbridge.
The spokesman adds: “We’ll be inviting visitors to take a look at the priority actions, fill in a short survey and add any other adaptation actions they think should happen to a map.”
The Town Council’s Climate and Ecology Working Group has also inputted into the plan.