The Minutes of Berrow Parish Council dating back to 1894 together with other items of interest discovered during the recent clearance of the Parish Office will be on display next week.
The items will go on show after the village’s Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday, May 3rd at 7.30pm in Berrow Village Hall.
Berrow Parish Council Clerk Lynn Smith told “As well as the minutes, some really interesting items were found during the recent clearance of the Parish Office and it was suggested that it would be a good idea to display these for the parishioners of Berrow to look at before they are placed into secure storage at County Archives.”
“We found several original thank you letters written by soldiers returning from the Second World War who had been given a homecoming gift of £5.00 which must have been a lot of money to them then.”
“There will also be old brochures and newspaper cuttings dating back many years.”
Refreshments will be served after the Annual Parish Meeting and there will also be a chance to talk to all the councillors and clerk.