The 20th anniversary of Berrow Dunes being designated an official Local Nature Reserve was celebrated on Saturday (June 7th).
Over 30 volunteers from local environmental groups gathered, as pictured, for a special walk through the dunes to see the work undertaken in recent years to conserve them.
Berrow Dunes supports one of the most diverse floras in Somerset, with at least 270 species of flowering plant being recorded on the site.
Sedgemoor District Council’s landscape officer, Janette Burton, pictured above, told “Over the past 20 years, Sedgemoor District Council has worked in partnership with Natural England, to manage the reserve – not only to provide an attractive place for people to visit, but also to maintain and enhance its important habitats.”
“Conservation works and monitoring has been assisted by volunteers from the Berrow Conservation Group, Sedgemoor Conservation Volunteers and the Bristol University Conservation Group, who continue to take part in the management of this important site.”
To share the celebration, Sedgemoor District Council will also be holding a special guided walk, led by Bob Corns from Natural England on 21st June.
Members of the public are invited to join in for free and meet at the reserve’s car park at 2pm, weather permitting.