HomeNewsBBC Somerset to air live swimming pool debate in Burnham-On-Sea

BBC Somerset to air live swimming pool debate in Burnham-On-Sea


Burnham-On-Sea residents are being invited to join in a live radio debate about the future of the town’s threatened swimming pool when BBC Somerset’s Radio Bus visits the town on Tuesday morning (January 15th).

Sedgemoor District Council is due to decide the pool’s fate on Wednesday and the BBC team will be in town to cover the arguments on both sides of the debate.

“We’ll be speaking to the people at the heart of the campaign to save it – Pat Pusill from Burnham swimming club, Margaret Smith from Burnham Disabled Swimming Club, who says it’s a lifeline for her members and has helped her walk again, and Reverend Graham Witts, who’s got his congregation praying for its future,” said BBC Somerset spokesman Andrew Enever.

The programme will also air comments from an executive member of the British Olympic Committee about why it is so important to support grass roots level sports.

Tom Ashton, Chairman of the Save Our Swimming Pool campaign group, will be putting his questions about the finances of the pool’s closure directly to the leader of Sedgemoor District Council, Duncan McGinty.

A Burnham-On-Sea.com spokesperson has also been invited along to give our views about the closure.

BBC Somerset will be broadcasting live throughout the morning from 7am until midday. The BBC Bus (pictured on Burnham seafront during a previous visit) will be parked up in the swimming pool car park and anybody who wants to have their say on the future on the pool will be welcome to join in.

Don’t forget to visit Burnham-On-Sea.com frequently for all the latest swimming pool developments.


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