HomeNewsBurnham-On-Sea's Apex Leisure & Wildlife Park Open Day declared a success by...

Burnham-On-Sea’s Apex Leisure & Wildlife Park Open Day declared a success by organisers


August 28, 2005
Apex Leisure & Wildlife Park Open Day declared a success by organisers

Apex Wildlife & Leisure Park in Burnham-On-Sea held its first open day on Sunday August 28th when a host of local groups put on special displays and demonstrations.

The event, organised by The Friends of Apex Park Improvements Group (pictured right), was held for park users and visitors to find out more about the many groups linked with the facility and who meet there regularly.

Sedgemoor Model Boat Club Sea Jet TeamOrganiser Jenny Manners, who is pictured with Harley Cook, Eileen Picton, Mary Draper and Eirene Cook, said the day had been a “great success.” She added: “Many families came along with picnics, and with so many events being held throughout the day there was something to interest everyone, whatever their age.”

A range of free events were held, including displays by the Highbridge & District Dog Training Club and Sedgemoor Model Boat Club Sea Jet Team (pictured).

Brian Homer and Clive CheesleyThe Model Boat Club members showed how they use Apex’s lakes to steer their mini yachts and powerboats around the waters.

Yacht makers Brian Homer and Clive Cheesley (pictured right) discussed with pasers-by how the incredible miniature crafts are constructed and maintained.

There were also informative displays from Secret World, The Acorn Project, Sedgemoor District Council and The Environment Agency.

Somerset Wildlife Trust's Chris MortonSomerset Wildlife Trust also held a display and the group’s Chris Morton (pictured) was on hand to tell visitors about endangered species in the UK, including water voles and harvest mice, and explain more about the work of his group across our area. Visitors were also invited to take away information.

A small exhibition of paintings of Apex by talented artists from the University of the Third Age (U3A) was held in a display tent.

Burnham's rescue hovercraft and crew were on handAnd Burnham’s rescue hovercraft, The Spirit Of Lelaina, was brought to the park for visitors to see the life-saving machine up close and meet crew members.

A collection of press clippings recounting recent rescues, including one involving the rescue of a swan at Apex, was on show.

Later in the afternoon, Burnham and Highbridge’s Town Band were on hand to provide musical entertainment while the children enjoyed several games and competitions, including a bouncy castle.


Interactive 360 degree photo of Apex Leisure and Wildlife Park

Apex Leisure and Wildlife Park

What’s on in Burnham-On-Sea



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