Home Shops and Business Guide Ritz Cinema, Burnham-On-Sea

Ritz Cinema, Burnham-On-Sea

Ritz Cinema Burnham-On-Sea

Great entertainment in the heart of Burnham!
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Contact Details

The Ritz Cinema
24 Victoria St

Tel: 01278 794 123

Website: www.ritz-burnham.co.uk

About Us

  • Three screens with state-of-the-art projectors including 3D
  • Seating for over 230 people
  • Shows latest films and theatre/music screenings as they are released
  • Tickets can be booked online
  • Weekend afternoon showings

Burnham-On-Sea’s Ritz Cinema re-opened in September 2004 with two screens showing films every night of the week. Owner Pat Scott spent over £120,000 on renovating the Ritz Cinema in Victoria Street since it closed down in 2002. It re-opened with two large screens, state-of-the-art projectors plus air conditioning and seats for up to 230 people.

Then in 2015, the Ritz cinema added a third screen to further add choice for film fans. Back in 2006 Burnham’s Ritz Cinema celebrated its 70th anniversary.

The Ritz Cinema’s original art deco fitting and decoration has also been restored, complete with plush new seating and computerised booking system.

More Information

There are two screenings each weekday evening, and four screenings at weekends when the cinema is also open in the afternoon.

Furthermore, a special ‘silver screen’ presentation for classic cinema fans is being held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10.30am.

To book a film and for ticket prices please visit the website

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