Dozens of members of Burnham-On-Sea’s Moose Lodge gathered for the group’s annual Governor’s Party on Saturday evening (January 14th).
Held in Berrrow Village hall, this year’s event had a country and western theme and the members were entertained by the step-in-side Burnham Pride line dancers.
Moose members and their guests danced the night away and enjoyed a bounteous buffet provided by the Ladies’ Circle.
The lodge’s Governor, Arthur Thorogood, announced that Burnham Gateway Club and Burnham Community Centre have been chosen as the club’s charities of the year for 2012 and profits from the evening went towards the two charities.
Pictured: Terry Cornelius and Jim Dolan top up Governor Arthur Thorogood’s glass, and Moose members and guests in fancy dress (Pics: Mike Lang)