A summer fayre at Berrow Health Campus has raised over £500 towards a new sensory garden.
The Mulberry Centre at Berrow Health Campus held their annual fayre on Friday (11th August), which was well attended by visitors and patients.
The cake stall was very popular and members of local band Rustique joined to supply a musical background, entertaining the vistors.
Among the visitors were Shirley Saxby, who was raising funds for Epilepsy UK with her lucky dip stall, while Joan Bentley ran a jewellery stall.
Also there were tombolas, a raffle stall and cream teas which raised £500.
Organiser Claire Nicholls said: “Thanks so much to everyone who came along to our bash on Friday afternoon.”
“We raised £500, which was brilliant. It has gone towards a sensory garden and summer house project for our clients.”
Pictured: Berrow Medical Centre’s fayre on Friday (photos Mike Lang)