A new campaign group seeking a brighter future for Highbridge has been formed by concerned residents this week.
Responding to the ongoing blight of the former Highbridge Hotel site, the recent demolition of the iconic FF&F building, and Sedgemoor District Council granting outline planning consent for further high-density housing, residents are expressing their frustration and wish to turn things around for the town.
The non-political group, called Fight For Highbridge, is dedicated to seeking positive new developments for the area and to ensuring the voices of Highbridge residents are heard at the highest levels.
A spokesman told Burnham-On-Sea.com that the group has gained over 200 members within just hours of being formed and support was also expressed on Burnham-On-Sea.com’s forum, including from former residents who expressed their shock and dismay at the town’s decline.
A spokesperson for the group told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “As Sedgemoor District Council doesn’t appear to have aspirations or a vision for Highbridge, we need to find one ourselves.”
“It is certainly early days for the group, and there is no doubt we face a daunting task in facing up to the complexities of the planning system and the indifference of our local district council – but, for the first time, it feels possible because local residents are taking these matters into their own hands and have a genuine wish to see change for the better here.”
The group is on Facebook and can be reached via email here.
Pictured: Top, The site of Highbridge’s Canal House which was demolished last week and, above, the Highbridge Hotel