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Town Council responds to new concerns over ‘insensitive’ notices at Brent Road cemetery


Burnham and Highbridge Town Council has this week responded to new concerns over the council’s ‘insensitive’ notices requesting the removal of memorabilia from graves.

Georgie Adams says the council’s notices at the Brent Road cemetery in Berrow “appear to sit within an outdated health and safety guidance.”

She says: “Concerns relate to memorabilia made of glass or metal that may fall and break which I can fully understand. Our items are weather worn and do not pose a safety risk, they are low lying and were placed in 2011/2012 and remain without public risk.”

“We are now asked to remove these within one month. This notice is both insensitive and unreasonable. We need an updated list of items allowed rather than an insensitive notice placed on the graveyard gate.”

“We need guidance on how to maintain our graves in a renewed landscape of biodegradable products with gifts and memorabilia representing both safety and sustainability. Likewise, how realistic is it to expect families to place fresh flowers and pot plants, frequently? An expensive approach for the majority.”

A Town Council spokesperson told Burnham-On-Sea.com: “Following feedback raised last year regarding how the Council inform families visiting their loved ones, the Council have been placing individual notices on graves during monthly inspections, rather than generic notices around the cemetery.”

“It was never the Council’s intention to be insensitive and we apologise if this has caused any distress. The Council is committed to maintaining a respectful and safe environment within the cemetery.”



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