HomeNewsSomerset Council cuts senior roles with the aim of making 'significant savings'

Somerset Council cuts senior roles with the aim of making ‘significant savings’


Somerset Council is reducing the number of its Lead, Shadow and Associate Member roles, resulting in “significant savings” for the Local Authority.

The council’s Executive will be reduced from eight Lead Members to seven, Associate Lead Members will be reduced from 10 positions to six, and there will be one less Opposition spokesperson.

The changes represent a substantial £36k saving in total, and will take effect from 1st September 2024. The savings breakdown will be: 1 x Lead Member = £20,500; 1 x Opposition Spokesperson = £3,875; and 4 x Associate Lead Members = £ 11,625.

The planned reduction in key roles was agreed by Full Council at its budget meeting earlier in the year.

A number of high-profile Councillors are moving on for personal and private reasons, resulting in a reshuffle of Somerset Council’s Executive, plus a merger of some portfolios. Cllr Adam Dance has stepped down as Lead Member for Public Health, Equalities and Diversity, following his election as MP for Yeovil. Executive stalwarts, Cllr Ros Wyke and Cllr Dixie Darch have stepped down for personal and private reasons. Also, Cllr Tom Deakin, who will now focus on his role as the Leader of Taunton Town Council.

Leader of Somerset Council, Cllr Bill Revans, said: “As part of the Financial Emergency we are looking to make savings in all parts of the Council’s work.”

“Adam, Tom, Ros and Dixie have been such valuable members of the Executive Team and I thank them wholeheartedly for all that they have contributed to their areas of focus over their time in these roles.”

“We are fortunate to welcome highly experienced Councillors Mike Rigby and Graham Oakes onto the Executive during the coming year.”

The new-look Executive is as follows:

Leader: Cllr Bill Revans – Governance and Communication

Deputy Leader: Cllr Liz Leyshon – Finance, Procurement and Performance

Seven Lead Members:
Cllr Sarah Wakefield – Adults Services, Housing and Homelessness
Cllr Heather Shearer – Children, Family and Education
Cllr Mike Rigby – Economic Development, Planning and Assets
Cllr Theo Butt Philip – Transformation, Human Resources, Localities and Digital
Cllr Richard Wilkins – Transport and Waste Services
Cllr Federica Smith-Roberts – Communities, HRA, Culture, Equalities and Diversity
Cllr Graham Oakes – Public Health, Climate Change and Environment

Six Associate Lead Members
Cllr Fran Smith – Associate Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Housing
Cllr Jo Roundell-Greene – Associate Lead Member for Children’s Services and Education
Cllr Nic Clark – Associate Lead Member for Culture and Leisure
Cllr Val Keitch – Associate Lead Member for Localities (LCNs) and Public Health
Cllr Dave Woan – Associate Lead Member for Business Strategy
Cllr Oliver Patrick – Associate Lead Member for Climate Change and Active Travel



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