A drive-in Christmas Carols service is set to be held in Brean this coming weekend.
The churches of Berrow and Brean are organising the socially-distanced event at Brean Country Club on Sunday 20th December at 7pm for ‘some much needed carol singing’.
Tickets are free, but need to be booked here in advance, to keep numbers restricted.
Rev Jonathan Philpott, Priest-in-Charge, Benefice of Berrow and Brean, adds: “You will need to come by car, and spaces will be allocated for parking and standing so that we can all get out and sing together.  Tickets are per car, not per person.”
“There will be no toilet facilities provided on the night, so please come prepared, and wrap up warm.”
“You are welcome to bring hot drinks and any refreshments you would like, but please ensure they are non-alcoholic.”
“Carol sheets will be available to download from www.berrowandbrean.co.uk prior to the event. Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing you there.”